About Me

Gahanna, OH, United States
I love to read. I also like to share my thoughts about books I've read. A blog seemed like an ideal place to do this. I like contemporary fiction, chick lit (somewhat), and autobiographies and biographies. I'm also interested in history and politics.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I'm So Happy for You by Lucinda Rosenfeld

Suppose your best friend is from a wealthy, influential family - are you SO happy for her?
What if she is blonde and has cornflower blue eyes and constantly has some sort of man drama - would you be a tad jealous?
What if you're having trouble in your marriage and this best friend tells you that she's engaged to a wealthy attorney - would your jaw clench as you try to spit out the words "Oh, that's wonderful!"
How 'bout if you're trying, without success, to get pregnant and your best friend just accidentally gets knocked up -- would the resentment make your blood boil?
Try tracking through the snow to see the best friend's new gorgeous town house while you live in a tiny efficiency apartment -- how does sincere can you make your "Your house is beautiful" words sound?

Now imagine that you've always felt a tad superior to the best friend because she always seems to be such a screw up and then, all of the sudden, she's got everything you've ever wanted in life.

That's the story of the friendship of Wendy & Daphne in I'm So Happy for You by Lucinda Rosenfeld. Yeah, technically this book is chick lit, but the skillful way the author conveys Wendy's crippling, destructive feelings of jealousy makes it one darn good read. I could feel Wendy's resentment burning a hole through the page. The only bad thing -- I identified with Wendy! ugggghhhhh!

This is a juicy page turner.

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